Thursday, May 11, 2006

Family are like buses....

You go months without seeing any of them then 2 come at once!

My Auntie Christine is coming down to visit her friend who lives about 10 minutes from me on Friday 26th May, and my sister is coming down on the 27th May - now my auntie will be staying with her friend and my sis is staying with my other sis.... I remember the days when they all came and stayed with me! Not that I'm complaining, cos i'm not - they will still come and see me and I will go down to Elizabeths to see emma and then I will get to see my nephew too! I have a funny feeling though that they will both come out to mine on the same day, suppose it means i will only have to tidy up once :D I told auntie christine that I was looking forward to her coming down as it meant I could show her all my craft bits and my paper and she was remarkably unimpressed! She'd better be more impressed by the time she gets here! My baby cousin has bought himself a brand new car! How is this possible? I'm sure he's only 4!


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