Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The clouds lie low...

Very strange weather again today... the clouds are dark and low, seeping their way across the skies! I use the word seeping because they are moving fast but you cant actually see them moving, they are 'seeping'! AND its cooler, still hot but much cooler!

Probably very fitting weather for such a solomn day... at 10am my sister is attending the funeral of a 21yr old man (her friend's brother) who drowned in the River Clyde last week.. what a tragic curtailing of a young life! My thoughts are with them all today, especially his family.

May your grief lessen just enough to let the memory of love filter through!


At 1:53 PM, Blogger maggie said...

Anita im sorry to hear about your sisters friend's brother.I did hear it on the news the friend must be devestated.Thinking of the boy's family.


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