Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Normal service is resumed!

My web host worked very hard yesterday and got all the back-ups restored. There may be a slight gap in emails though, i'm not sure. If an email was sent after he was blocked then it may have bounced back to sender, so if you emailed me yesterday and it got returned, just resend it! Disrupton to me was minimal, i'm pretty much working on holiday parameters until the transfer is complete, so all advertising is down etc! My orders at the moment are a bare trickle but if it had happened at christmas, that kind of bottle neck could cause chaos and i'm just a very very small retailer. Some of the sites affected were much bigger than me...

I do actually have a feeling of empathy for hackers, i know what they are trying to do (mostly) and I do agree with their principles just not the way they go about it, but even in that respect, to attack a hosting server is just stupid! Some little kid who wants to boast to their friends "hey, i hacked such and such and changed the home page on a couple of thousand web sites" - big deal!

But at least everything is back to normal now - i'm actually quite impressed how quickly it was dealt with!


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