Ugh Panic Stations...
Looks like I'm going to Brum on my own... omg omg omg omg! The thing is, I may be allright by then or I may not... its kinda unpredictable... what if i get half way and have a panic attack... what if i dont get there?
Ok, i know i'm a responsible adult and if i choose to go then i'm the
only one responsible for getting me there.. i know all that.. but its just so much easier when i'm travelling with someone I know, then all i have to worry about is the actual time in the hall... instead of the journey
and the time in the hall....
God i'm such a wuss!
This is not hard, lots of people go out of their houses every day, I used to be able to go out without even thinking about it.... WHY IS THIS SO HARD???????
I want to go, i'm determined to go... i like meeting up with the ladies from carolyns, its fun and i dont feel like a weirdo ooohing and aaahing over paper etc but omg... Birminham?? why couldnt it have been in London?? Or better yet, Upminster?
By my reckoning, i have 4 weeks to panic, 2 weeks to prepare and 1 day to do it!
Consider me officially panicked!
Tickets are booked!
My brother takes the kids up to glasgow on the thursday night, i'll go up the following week and bring them home on the following week! All sorted except for me getting up there but i can do that at any time.... the kids have to go up by train with Alan, not flying - they are very disappointed but there are no cheap flights in august, what can we do?
so I'll have a full week with no kids! whooo hoooo
I know, i'm an unnatural mother!
Tree causes confusion...
Outside my living room window there is a tree, this tree has suffered really badly with the hot weather and is actually dying.. its leaves are brown and falling off - every time i sit in the living room i see this tree and think its autumn... then i have to remind myself thats its just summer and that the tree is a victim of the heat....
None of the other trees are affected, just this one, and there is nothing i can do for it but it still makes me feel bad... after all it was only being a tree, it was good at being a tree and it just got on with things as nature intended... and now because of a heat wave it wont be a tree for much longer... unless of course it rallys round and recovers, which it may do... trees are amazing things really!
I've been reading a lot lately about Celtic mythology, there are a lot of trees in that as well!
I think we could learn a lot from trees! Not that i'm into the whole 'i am a tree' thing.. but even so they are amazing creations of nature!
I've always liked trees - I asked my teacher once, when i was about 6 or 7 if God had made trees with no feelings so that they wouldnt get itchy when a worm went over their roots :) she probably still laughs about that one!
Have I been in a coma?
I've suddenly realised that its the end of July.... where has the year gone? How can 7 months go by so quickly? I'll have to start buying for christmas soon, its unbelievable!
I'm not completely stupid, i did know it was July (after all my birthday is in that month) but I just didnt
realise it...iyswim!
There is an old Scottish superstition that whatever you are doing/whatever your house looks like/who you are with will determine what you do/what your house is like/who you are with for the rest of the year (tried spending it in glasgow but we are still living down here so that didnt work) BUT while we were in Glasgow, every computer in the house was in the kitchen (kids got one for christmas but we couldnt get it up so it was here waiting for them when they got back) and I had had a last minute rush so my craft table had been left totally unorganised - Well, we have every computer in the house in the kitchen and my craft table is a mess :) (except for the 2 in the garage but they dont work)
I have 3 pc's, 2 monitors on my desk and stewart has 1 pc and 1 monitor on his desk - we've networked the kids and his computer so both are online (used his Xbox live ethernet cable cos he's not using xbox live right now) which will be a major pain when mine gets fixed 1. cos its not in the network and 2. cos that will be the main one to get online so the other 2 wont be able to until they are networked again....
I know it sounds like a lot but the computers were really an accident - we had one that we bought years ago - then my work were selling some off so we bought one for £30. Then the first one went Kaput so we built one ourselves (stewarts) then Stewarts brother brought his round cos it had stopped working to see if we wanted it, but it needs windows reinstalling and we havent done it yet, just cannibalised it instead.... then port 80 on my work one fried so it wouldnt go online so we bought a bottom of the range cheapo one but i still use my work one for graphics and the new one for online stuff - then we got the kids a cheapo one too... see? just an accident!
I'm thinking of installing some temporary graphics software on the kids pc but they dont want me to, i think they think its an incentive to get mine fixed :) and if i can work on this one then i wont hurry to fix the other one....
I need to finish off my Sisters book of shadows - its all written, just needs to be printed. I dont want to do it A4 cos i think its too small but i cant find someone who just has a desktop A3 printer - and to get it done at a printers will cost me around £90 which is just too much. I'm thinking of buying an A3 printer and offering a printing service, i cant be the only one who needs just basic printing on A3 size and who needs a cheap option - am definitely going to look into this.
Stereotypes just dont work!
It may be that my interests coincide with those of young teenagers but I still find it irritating to keep coming across a playground mentality on the internet... The only place where this isnt obvious is Carolyns and I think that is due more to the average age of the members as well as diligent moderators but everywhere else this attitude of "i'm with them and we dont like you" is getting more and more common, especially at this time of year when all the schools are on holiday...
There is also the added bug factor of "wow you're over 30, do you know how to work the computer? my mum doesnt even know how to switch it on".... very very irritating...
Then I started thinking about it and its true, there is a stereotype that parents of teenagers dont know a thing about computers or technology... they might know how to work a pc but at their age I was writing 43 pages of Basic to make simple games... did you know that in those days it took 197 lines of code to make a 5 letter name flash different colours on a screen? and over 3000 to make it move? The kids keep bringing leaflets and things home that explain computers and technology and terminology to parents - all written in simple easy to read formats - now i know that there are lots of people who dont know this stuff but theres not that many... the majority of workplaces use computers, and i would say that the majority of 35-45yr olds know the basics... its just not fashionable to admit it...
My kids get a shock when
i tell
them what they have been doing on the computer, they dont realise that if you know what to look for there are no secrets - and I know more about the internet than they do.....
anyways, back to the playground mentality, i dont know if its a sign of my advancing age but I find the petty arguing and immature wrangling very annoying... 90% of these cases dont even involve the kids who are getting so het up over it... but when they resort to spamming inboxes and sending hatemail to people who have had an incident with friends of theirs then its getting stupid and they really should get off the pc and spend some time in the real world!
Everything happens for a reason....
Its amazing how much more time I have! Its only been 2 days since my pc went kaput but because all my programs are on it, my images are on it - in fact everything i have been doing for the last few months is on it and now I cant work on them (I have the bits but not the software) I suddenly have all this free time!
Wow... i've been surfing, catching up on forums - its great. Just like a holiday! What fun!
I may also have a way to salvage my Wedding Invitations from the scourge of Royal Mail... Flat folded scrolls! This was a brilliant suggestion from Kathy (who is a genius!) This way I can keep my scroll format, wording, paper etc but just fold them flat instead of rolled. I've been having a play and found a few different ways to fold - just have to try out envelopes and see how they survive the postage system. The really interesting thing is that if my pc hadnt broken, i probably wouldnt have been around to get the message and definitely wouldnt have had the time to try it... so yay for corrupted files!
So far it looks like they will fit into the 2nd category of mail so will cost 46p to post which is a lot better than £1, so I may get my customers back!
I think I may spend today playing.. maybe do some of those templates that are around - they look like lots of fun but i've not had a chance to try yet....
I dont think i will fix my pc until the weekend...... ;)
and 1 more makes 3...
I now have 3 computers on my desk.. this is getting stupid! Last night my pc froze and wouldnt restart - i'm getting an unmountable_boot_volume error, and I dont have an XP disk (its on a separate partition of my HDD) so i cant get into the Recovery Console... so am going to have to find a pc repair place and somehow get the pc up there... its too hot for this!
In the meantime i've got the kids pc on my desk so i can get online, as well as my broken one and my old one that i use for graphics... definitely getting crowded!
First day of the summer holidays!
Well, here it is, the day the kids have been waiting for... its now officially the Summer Holidays!! I used to love this day when i was younger... the whole holiday stretched out in front of you, like it was going to last forever! I would get together with my friends and we would make plans for every day that we could - picnics, going to the park, games we were going to play etc... pure joy! Didnt recognise it as pure joy at the time, unfortunately!
My kids have 3 weeks here with me then Uncle Alan is coming down to take them up to Glasgow, then I'll join them a bit later... I always like to send them up on their own during the summer otherwise they would only see my family when i'm with them and its not the same when "mum's" around.. luckily they are bigger now and can do more for themselves so even if my Mum isnt very well it doesnt matter so much. Alan & Emma will be around too... so will be fun for them!
Now I just have to amuse them for 3 weeks... can't be too hard, can it?
and ebay finish what royal mail started...
I havent added a new entry in over a week which is terrible but its just been too hot, hayfever has been too bad and i've not really had anything to say...
Next month Royal Mails Pricing in Proportion comes into effect, which,
in theory, is a great idea - the theory was that it was costing RM more to deliver a large box which was the same weight as a letter so they were going to charge more for size as well as weight...
as with all things, they have gone to extremes - their ideas of 'bigger' are very strange -
- <=C5 and <=5mm thick is a letter
- between 5mm-25mm and/or <=C4 is a large letter
- >C4 or >25mm is a packet and will cost £1 to post up to 100g.
I have no idea how it costs them more to deliver things with these differences.. its a joke! Then to cap it all, Ebay have had the brilliant idea of increasing their shop inventory listing fees by 300% & FVF's to 10% for up to £4.99 and cutting visibility and changing it so cheapest items show up first in shop searches... so i'm shutting my ebay shop - its hardly cost effective at the moment but brings in new customers so was handy but now it would actually be running at a loss so its not worth it any more.
A lot of ebay shop owners are really upset at this and lots of them have already shut their shops... the ones that are left are planning a one day listing strike, if there is a whole day where no-one lists anything that will show ebay exactly who they make their money from and may teach them better customer relations. Small business dont treat their customers shabbily cos they cant afford to but for big businesses it seems to be mandatory!
I didnt manage to make an entry yesterday, I just couldnt find 5 minutes in which to do so... I want my insomnia back!
On Wednesday I did manage to get out, 1 near panic attack and 2 bursting into tears but I did it! Yay for me! (yesterday hubs came home early, and we went back up to get a picture and I was fine... this is driving me nuts!)
Most of the product pictures have been taken now, I just have to edit them and get them uploaded.. should be finished this side of christmas!
To top it all off, I've found a dog breeding virtual game - its still being built so new things are added constantly and a lot of features arent ready yet, but it has lots of breeds available and so I have started on my Boxer stock... am going to do Border Collies as well - I will get my perfect dog virtually cos I can't afford to do it in RL!
If anyone wants to have a go, the link is
Dog Realm each dog ages 1 week in a RL day, and it takes 30 days for any pups you have to reach adulthood, so you have to wait a while for your next generation... the dogs dont need to be fed but have to be kept happy by playing with them each day... Dog Shows etc havent been added yet but by the time they are I should be a few generations down the line and closer to my perfect dog.
It works on a gene pool/scoring system - so you have to be careful about what dogs you breed so you only get good genes... very fascinating and interesting and doesnt take too much time each day as its more a long term thing.
If you join, my user name on there is Axaria! One word of warning though, you start off with 25,000 in money, if you go to the Dog Mart
clicking on an image in there will buy you that item... and the first item in the leads and collars section costs 20,000 - I was expecting it to take me to a more info/buy page and instead lost most of my money.. so be warned!
I've already printed out details of my breeding stock and decided which dogs are going to produce my next generation :) i'm so sad! I really need a life thats not virutal! 28 days to go til my pups can breed!
I sitll dont wanna...
I did get out yesterday... I just didnt get as far as I should have done, so now I have to go out today as well... (I'm hearing kathys voice in my head as I type this... :P)
I was very much over this, I dont know what brought it back... maybe its just one of those things that come and go....
On the bright side Lythan popped round yesterday with a gorgeous card, I love lythan's cards they are so striking! Then I got an email last night with a gift voucher.. so I can do some more crafty spending.... why is it easier to spend your own money than it is a gift? I am really struggling to decide what to buy!
No takers on yesterdays question I see... This question came up in a conversation I had with my sis (emma) as a follow on to the unstableness of our society (more on this another time) and how we are no longer able to cope and wouldnt know what to do if our artificial crutches were removed....
Emmas thoughts: "
well i'd just plug in the kettle to the car lighter and make a cuppa soup!" When challenged on the fact that she wouldnt have her car, she said j
"well I would still have it and would just fill lots of cans with petrol" (when told she'd have to fight her way through the thousands of other people with the same idea, her reply was - "
I was in the Army Cadets, I can unassemble and reassemble a gun in seconds.....") Then when asked specifically, "if you were left with no resources but nature, could you boil water" her reply was - "
I'm gonna invent a cuppa soup that you pour cold water into and it boils the water for you..."And people wonder why I think humans wouldnt survive? It was a funny conversation none the less...
Our kind of civilisation is built on artificial means - the things we would need to survive would be there, supplied by nature, but we wouldnt know how to recognise them or how to use them... very few people under the age of 40 in the UK know how to lay and start a fire... or how to bank it so its still lit the following morning - I can see a whole group of people standing around after a catastrophe 'oh we cant light a fire, its not allowed... and playing with matches is dangerous'... God only knows what would happen when the matches ran out.... not to mention that they wouldnt be able to get any fuel other than deadfall because knives are even worse than matches.... I doubt if they would be able to debark a branch without cutting themselves anyway.... and as for cooking over an open fire, I wont even go there!
I dont wanna!
I really do have to go out today and I really dont want to.... I walked up to the village one day last week and didnt even take the dog, so thats good! But now I
have to go into Romford, by myself.... in this age of technology I shouldnt have to leave the house unless I want to... or unless other people are with me...
Now i'm not totally reclusive, I do go out but only when someone else or the dog is with me, its only by myself that I have problems (or if i go somewhere that has masses and masses of people)... yes i've been to therapy, yes i know what the problem is and yes i know what the solution is - its just harder to implement it than it is to talk about it in therapy sessions!
Wish i was 3yrs old again, so i could lie on the floor, kick my heels and scream "I don' wanna!"
A question for people reading this - If a dire emergency happened, total catastrophe, and you are in a field, with woods not far off and beside a stream - you have a knife, a glass bottle and a ball of string - would you be able to boil water both in the evening and the next morning?I will give my sisters answer to this tomorrow!
As I was typing this, the postman arrived - with gorgeous cards from Susan and Sue F - thank you ladies, they are gorgeous and I really appreciate them! Will post pics later!
Another year older...
Well had my birthday yesterday and managed to survive it :) other people may not be so lucky though....
Here are the family facts: On my side - I have 1 husband, 3 kids, 1 father, 1 mother, 2 sisters, 1 brother, 1 BIL, 1 nephew and 8 cousins (+ a whole load of aunts & uncles) On hubs side I have 1 MIL, 1 MIL's partner, 3 SIL's (+hubs), 2 BIL's (+wives), 2 nephews and 4 nieces.
Yesterday, I get 1 card from my MIL, phone calls from one sister (emma) and my mum & dad and from 1 SIL (siobhan) and an e-card from a cousin (caroline)... that has to be the worst record in history! CBC came up trumps though with 23 Happy Birthday messages :)
Hubs forgot... he didnt forget it was my birthday on the 9th, he just forgot that yesterday was the 9th....
Anyways, we went out for dinner and decided to go somewhere new so we headed to the Festival leisure park at Basildon as it has an abundance of places to eat... We decided to try Chilli's (didnt have a menu outside) but when we got in, there was nothing on the menu that the kids would eat and their childrens menu only went up to 12yrs of age... so we had drinks and left!
We went onto the Honey Pot, which is a Brewers Fayre... menu was excellent, kids menu was brilliant (most impressive kids menu i have ever seen!) and great value for money - 3 course meal with drinks for 2 adults and 3 kids (2 of them teenagers) came to £38!!!!! BUT we were in there for a total of 2 hours 40 minutes, the wait in between courses was stupid! we finished our main course at 5.10pm, by 6pm dessert still hadnt arrived and we had to leave.. so i cancelled that order, made a complaint and got my money back for the desserts - totally spoiled an otherwise perfect meal. the quality of the food was brilliant but the service was abysmal! Still, it will be a funny story in days to come I suppose!
On the plus side - I have permission to make up a £30 order at an online craft shop and my mum will pay it for me.... ohhhhh the possibilities.... I think I will spend today surfing through online shops and deciding what I want.......... :)
Last day of being a twin...
Today is the last day, for this year, that my sister and I will be the same age.... I was born on the 9th July and she was born on the 27th June on the following year so for 12 days every year we are the same age :) This was great when we were younger... people would ask me what age I was and I would say"7" and then they would ask Elizabeth and she would say "7" and then they would say "oh are you twins?" and we would say "no, just sisters" and they would be really puzzled... *cue the saying about small minds*
It seems really strange that at the moment we are the same age, but she has been married nearly 2 years and has a 4 month old baby and i've been married 12 years and my babies are 14yrs, 13yrs and 10yrs...
what is also strange is that we have a 26yr old sister and an 18yr old brother (my parent's family-planning was off the wall!)....
All 3 of my babies have Optician appointments this afternoon - this will be fun! they do the full tests in there so we will probably be there for hours.... just the thing for a hot saturday afternoon!
woof woof!
Kia's behaviour session went well last night... she was the only dog in the hall which made a big... huge difference to her behaviour - the trainer said it was like having a different dog! I'm glad they got to see her like that and realise that her nervous agression isnt inherent in her but is learned behaviour and the trigger is other dogs....
She is usually very nervous of people she doesnt know and wont allow the trainers to approach her in any way but last night she was accepting treats and the behaviourist got right up close to her... very illuminating! Hopefully now they know more detail about the problem we can start coming up with some solutions - i really dont want kia to end up as an anti-social dog!
I finally managed to add blog links here and am working on new graphics... but i just cant make up my mind what i want - might have to spend another day on photoshop getting them right ;)
Jane's turn...

I took a pic of your boys, added one of the cat and turned them into this..... It's a bit bitty cos i'm working with low res images but I quite like the effect of this one, hope you do too!
I have a zillion and one things to do and I can't keep away from photoshop.... gah! why cant i have an addiction to chocolate or something else less time consuming???
On the knee front, I can move it today it's not frozen into place any more but it still hurts... sob! And it's not raining today but its cloudy and windy and I can't get good photo's... sob sob! I can't do much more to the site until I get the photo's done and my knee hurts too much to do any h*******k so photohop here I come!
Dear Junk E-mailer...
I would like to thank you for your kind concern about my health, my medication levels and the length of my penis, it is also very considerate of you to send me all these links showing where I can get genuine replica (!) watches, jewellery and purses.
I would just like to point out to you that my health was fine as at 9.06 this morning (and at 9.07, 9.09, 9.12 and so forth) and while I do realise that illness can strike suddenly, is it really necessary to ask every 2 minutes? If I did fall seriously ill between 9.01 and 9.03 I doubt I would be on the computer reading your email giving me all these marvelous cures.
Please note that my medication levels are fine, in fact they are at zero - not because I've run out or can't find a supplier or even because they are too expensive (although i do appreciate the 304 emails you sent yesterday telling me where I can get cheaper meds) but because I dont actually
need any... please dont think I'm ungrateful but when I need medication I'll get a prescription from my doctor and go to the chemist... would you like me to send you a couple of thousand emails telling you how this works? Oh, and just for the record - I'm not overweight and wouldnt use dubious slimming pills even if I was! If you have problems in this area I would recommend cutting back on calorie intake and increasing calorie burn - this is known in some circles as 'diet and excercise'. I'm sure Hoodia is the best thing since penacillian but I have no idea what it is and wouldnt buy it even if I did!
As for penis enlargement, even given the fact you guarantee results and have lots of satisfied customers and even more satisfied wives and girlfriends... I can guarantee it
wouldnt work on me - I dont actually
have a penis
or a wife
or a girlfriend.. I do however have a husband and his penis if fine, thank you very much! To be honest with you, if I heard someone scream all night I would either phone an ambulance or noise pollution - I definitely wouldnt rush to the computer to email the fact out to as many people as possible... I suspect you may have an exhibitionist complex, have you ever thought of therapy?
With regards to the jewellery/shopping links you send me,
on average every 2.4 mins, if I want a watch, necklace or purse I will go out and buy one, from a shop (as you havent ever been out of the house you may not realise that some of the buildings out there in the big bad world have merchadise in them that you visit and buy things- these are shops!) - I may even buy a genuine article although I'm sure it wont be as good quality as your genuine replicas (!) and I really dont care if all the 'Stars' have one and no, I dont need an alphabetical list of which stars and I definitely dont need pictures of them wearing it!
So even though i have so much fun trawling through the 600+ emails you send me every day and I have nothing better to do than spend time checking and deleting them, I do think it would be better if you just got a life and stopped wasting time in mine.
Yours faithfully
A non-penis owning woman without a girlfriend who needs satisfying, who is in perfect health, isnt overweight and already owns a watch.
For RachelB

Temptation struck and I fell.... I take horrible photos, but other people have such nice ones... I keep looking at them and thinking... ohh what I could do with that and as today I was on a major avoidance, I altered this one from RachelB's blog - I really hope you dont mind!
million-1 chances come up 9 times out of 10...
That is my favourite quote from Terry Pratchett... I think its a brilliant phrase and one we have been conditioned into by films, books etc.... Now bearing in mind that ALL tv shows, films etc follow this principle... this is connors homework.. (a sheet with a load of statements on it - and a table with different columns: impossible, unlikely, likely, certain - and he has to put the statements in the right column)
How Likely?
I will go to Mars for my summer holiday
Connors Answer:
Likely -
reason: gotta be better than butlins, can granny & granda come too?!
It will rain tomorrow
Connors Answer: Certain -
reason: Mummy doesnt want it to!
Manchester United will the FA Cup
Connors Answer: Impossible -
reason: Daddy wouldnt like it and nobody does things daddy doesnt like!
My teacher will dye his or her hair green
Connors Answer:
Likely -
reason: A teacher that uses a puppet could do
My family will win the pools on saturday
Connors Answer:
Impossible -
reason: We've already got a pool and another one wouldnt fit in the garden
I will play football after school
Connors Answer:
Impossible -
reason: I'm grounded
I am in a maths lesson
Connors Answer:
Impossible - reason: I'm at home doing homework.. duh!
I will have toast for breakfast tomorrow
Connors Answer:
Impossible -
reason: The bread went mouldy today cause it was so hot
I think this proves, without a doubt, the 'ego theory' of children... either that or he just doesn't grasp the principles of probability......
For Lythan

I forgot to put this in my previous entry and couldnt be bothered editing it... I had a play with one of your pictures of Carys (cos you are a much better photographer than me) and this is the result.. Hope you like it!
Now, technically i'm guilty of infringement of copyright but please dont sue me - i'm in too much pain, i cant afford it and honestly i did it with the best of intentions and i'm not profiting from it in any way whatsoever.... honest!
I admit it... its all my fault...
The rain that is.. it rained today because I was planning on taking new stock photographs in the garden today, ready for putting on the new site and so it poured all day!! Shoot me... I should have known better than to actually plan it, but I thought Fate was giving me a break lately.... bad enough that I've got the arthritis back in my knee (which hurts really badly) it didnt have to rain as well and throw my entire day out!
Hubs has gone to bed early tonight, so I have time to make a proper entry... which is scary as usually I just type what I'm thinking but now that I know that people are reading this my thoughts get a bit jumbled - so if I was to type what I was
actually thinking it
1. wouldnt make any sense,
2. would probably get me locked up in the funny farm
3. would probably offend
4. would make for a very strange read
I've been thinking for a while that I would like to do a weekly entry giving my opinions on something or other... i love airing my opinion but get very few opportunities to do so for 2 very good reasons - one is political correctness, its dangerous to give your true thoughts on something nowadays and the other is I have nobody to give it to.... a phobia against people has its drawbacks! Of course, I could give it to myself and frequently do but thats the fast lane to the aforementioned funny farm so i dont do it often and not when anyone can hear me... another reason for not giving my opinions to me is that I agree with myself, which is no fun!
I love giving out my opinion but I also love hearing other peoples, especially if it differs from mine... then we can debate it... mmmmmmm debates! About the only thing I miss from School is the debates, i love to debate, discuss and argue out things.... very enjoyable!
But to get back to what I was saying earlier (god i ramble so much, even when talking to myself) i have decided to give my opinion weekly, but not tonight (huge sighs of relief all round!) cos I am in too much pain and too tanked up with painkillers to formulate my thoughts to put my opinion down coherently!
Pain is a funny thing - I have an extremly high pain threshold, i can carry on when in pain and it doesnt stop me doing things but it does turn me into the biggest b**ch in the country - very weird! My mother on the other hand lives with constant pain... every day and she isnt a bitch - she only gets bitchy when she is short of sleep but she has a lower threshold than me and when i'm short of sleep i'm fine, in fact i prefer it cos then the adrenalin kicks in, gotta love adrenalin - how does that work? Its so unfair really...
I havent put my tickers up for a while so will add them to end of this entry!


oh the responsibility...
I've made a strange discovery... other people (except for Lythan - hi lythan!) actually read this... not only are people reading this and leaving comments... BUT i've been added to other people links pages... how astounding! I have no more excuses, I will have to revamp my blog and add a links page etc... but I am surprised that people get past the first entry to be honest! Very boring stuff, maybe i should peddle it as an insomnia cure! I could make millions!
Too hot....
This heat is getting too much for me... I'm mellllllltttttttinnnnngggggg......

I've been trying to turn photographs of Kia into decent pencil sketches today but its not really working very well.... the original photos arent very good... and i'm not that good a photographer so cant get any better....

These are about the best 2 so far but i'm still not completely happy with them....
Cluck cluck
The last few days, our lovebird has been acting very strange... emptying out its seed bowl, throwing stuff around the cage, and out of the cage... and now i know why...

Yep, she's laid an egg.... it wont hatch cos its not fertilised (can't be as she's the only one) but at least we now know for sure that she is female... so once she leaves it alone I will remove it and hopefully she wont lay any more..... her food is the only material she has in the cage, there are no newspapers, sandpaper etc she has crushed shell on the bottom of the cage so her seeds and the husks were the only things she could make a nest from.....
I do like to be beside the seaside.....

As it was such a nice day yesterday and my Dad had borrowed my sisters car, we decided to take a run to Frinton on Sea... was really good! The tide was totally in when we got there, so no sand to speak of but the kids had a great time and even stewart went into the water!

Kia loves water but was a bit wary of the waves... was really funny to watch! She would chase them, then run away really fast!

We managed to stop her getting eye contact with other dogs, so except for one barking incident she was great... and she growled at one person.. but only after they had petted her, what a screwed up dog!

She ended up standing on the wood and looking at the waves, as if to say "ha! you cant get me now!"
My mum & dad had to go back to Elizabeths last night to get the car back.. which was a shame, as it meant I didnt have them here for very long! But hopefully i will get up during the summer and can spend longer with them!